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It was kind of expected that at some point Pokemon would make the leap to the open world type. It tasted the waters with the style in the wild area of “Pokemon Sword and Shield”, but at the end of the day, a saga that is characterized by exploring the land looking for creatures was called upon to reorient in that direction. It was finally, announced in the Pokemon Presents, celebrating 25 years of the series, its new open world title: “Pokemon Legends: Arceus“.

In this new installment, planed to launch in 2022, the Pokemon will roam through the fields, and there will also be changes in the mechanics. Now they will be caught in real time, which is a variation just as drastic as the aforementioned open world scheme. From what has been seen in the video trailers.
Gamers are intrigued as to what type of Pokemon will appear in the game. Of course, there is the Legendary Arceus as the game title implies. Likewise, the initial Pokemon that you will have to choose at the beginning of the adventure are Cyndaquil, Oshawott and Rowlet.
The Pokemon franchise has been respectful of its lore
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl are two essential games in the franchise’s history. They changed the aesthetics and mechanics of the saga by being the first two to appear for the Nintendo DS in 2007. The former, on the Game Boy Advance, still bore a strong resemblance to the initial titles. There will be a remake for these two titles on the Nintendo Switch, arriving late 2021.
Among the changes that Diamond and Pearl brought to the saga, and that have been respected to date, is the new division of Pokemon, which were classified according to whether they used only Attack or Special Attack. The most curious thing about these new remakes, without a doubt, is that it has remained faithful to the visual cartoon style of the original versions, distancing itself from the more serious of Sword and Shield that seemed to become the new canon of the franchise. Therefore, we are approaching “Pokemon Let’s Go” visually, but they maintain the fighting mechanics of Sword’ and ‘Shield.
Finally, a new version of the friendly and increasingly claimed “Pokemon Snap” has also been announced. The launch of this title, also for Switch, is an improved version of the 1998 Nintendo 64 original in which the creatures were photographed in their natural environments, and will arrive in April of this year.
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