Your laptop’s life could be halved if you don’t take care of these 5 things

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Every time you buy a new laptop, you make a substantial investment. You ensure that your laptop has the best features to function smoothly and meet your grueling demands. You look for a laptop with enough space, sizable RAM, excellent graphics, immersing sound quality, and a million other features that truly provide you with a great experience.

Science and technology have advanced enough to provide us with the laptop of our dreams, equipped with all the special features we could dream of. However, with great power comes great responsibility. Laptops need the highest quality of upkeep and maintenance. It is important to invest in laptop insurance to be financially covered whenever your laptop malfunctions. Laptop insurance can offer financial coverage in case your laptop is lost or damaged. Thus, it can help you avoid incurring excessive expenses from your own pockets in case your laptop is damaged.

However, sometimes, we still see our laptop barely surviving a year, dying out on us way too quickly, compelling us to buy another one. Why is this happening? Is it the manufacturer’s fault?

We often subconsciously do things that result in the life of our laptop being nearly halved. Here are some simple  things that we should definitely avoid:

1 – Never turning it off

Most of us have a rather terrible habit of simply closing the cover of a laptop, after a long day, at night, just before going off to sleep. Switching it off and rebooting it again in the morning might seem like too much of a hassle, especially when we can just open the cover and get back to our work in a few seconds.

Every time you turn off your computer its performance improves

However, this is a crucial mistake. Imagine your laptop’s software as a sweater, with some holes. The laptop needs time to fix these holes and does so when it is switched off. Moreover, the system needs to download several updates, to ensure the smooth running and functioning of your machine. These updates can only be installed appropriately when the laptop is switched off.  Therefore, switching off your laptop timely contributes to extending the lifespan of your laptop.

2 – Not defragmenting your data

Over long periods, the data in our computer becomes fragmented. The files become disorganized haphazard, and files that are meant to be next to each other in a particular location are not. This is a massive problem for your laptop and significantly slows it down.

‘Defragging’ is the process by which these whiles are organized, the broken down files are put back together, and files are sent back to their appropriate locations. When we take the initiative to defrag our machine, the burden of work on our laptop substantially reduces. This results in your laptop being efficient, fast, and having a longer life.

Here we see the concept behind hard disc defragmenting
Defragmenting the hard drive helps with the overall performance of the computer

Every laptop comes with a built-in defragmentation tool and can be accessed by simply searching for ‘defrag’ in the toolbar.

3 – Not installing Antivirus

Many of us are dubious about the various antivirus software that keeps advertising themselves, wondering if they help. But honestly, they do. Malware is a terrible nuisance and can slow down your laptop to unusable degrees. Good antivirus software is essential to clean out malware from our laptop and keep it smooth and functional.

So next time, invest in good antivirus software and keep your laptop virus free to ensure the longevity of your machine.

4 – Keeping it on your lap

Despite its name, you should not keep your laptop on your lap 24*7. You must occasionally keep your laptop on flat surfaces like tables, as using them continuously while keeping them on your lap will lead to their early demise.

The processor of your laptop is like the brain of your machine. It occasionally overheats and needs to cool off. Unfortunately, many laptops have their air vents situated at the bottom, with fans present. The clothes we wear often clog up these vents, preventing the fans from functioning. Sometimes, dust collects in these vents. This results in the laptop overheating, causing permanent internal damage that may require immediate intervention.

It is really important to stop your laptop overheating, as it is one of the leading causes of shortened life spans of laptops, reducing it by nearly half.

5 – Keeping numerous tabs open

Keeping too many tabs open usually results in your machine having to work extra hard to keep them all running. This extra work usually puts the processor into overdrive and ultimately ends in the processor overheating. As we’ve established before, overheating is a serious problem that significantly reduces the lifespan of a laptop.


Thus it is evident that we damage our laptops by making careless mistakes every day. Ensuring we don’t make these simple errors improves the longevity of our laptops, and we don’t have to invest a massive amount of money buying a new laptop every few years.

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