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The Lord of the Mountain BOTW is the most epic mount you can get in the game. This is not the typical beast you will normally find roaming around the fields in the game. Rather, this mythical creature can be quite elusive and extremely hard to find, not to mention to tame and obtain. It doesn’t spawn in the same location and sometimes it can be a guessing game to find it. All this aside, with its infinite stamina and running speed, the benefits of having this mount overpasses by far all the trouble to get it.

The Lord of the Mountain, sometimes known as Satori, is the best mount you can get in Zelda Breath of the Wild. It is said to be the reincarnated soul of a sage who seeks to protect every form of life in Hyrule’s forest. It can be spotted mostly at nigh, atop the Satori Mountain. When present, if you see this mountain from a distance, you will notice a bright blue glow at its peak.
In-game reference and leads to the Lord of the Mountain BOTW mount
This mount has scarce amount of mentions in the game. However, it is not related to any of the quests you will find throughout the game. The only reference of existence of this creature will come from an NPC named Botrick. You will see him normally in one of the paths slightly north from the Rota Ooh shrine. He will ask you if you have heard about the Lord of the Mountain, pointing you very vaguely to the northwest from his location to find it.

He also seems intrigued about what would be the exact nature of this beast. Additionally, on another speech, he will mention that you rarely can see animals at the top of Mount Satori, and the only moment in time that will happen is when the Lord of the Mountain appears. This comment can be useful to give you a hint of what to expect when looking for the creature. Alongside with it, there will be several Blupees in the area.
Location and how to get there
The Satori Mountain is located in the Hyrule Ridge region. You can find the Mogg Latan shrine rather close from its location, from where you can fast travel there. Unlocking this point will be pretty important to save you some time while traveling there, since it might take a few visits to coincide with the spirit of the Lord of the Mountain.

The location of the Lord of the Mountain is always the same, near the highest point in the Satori Mountain. Although the time of its appearance is completely random. Another important fact is that it won’t show if you are present in the area, so no standing around idling for hours. That means you will have to pop in the area and judging from the leads previously mentioned (the blue glow at the peak and Blupees in the area), visit the location.
There are two places that are perfect for monitoring the Satori Mountain: The Outskirt Stable and the Central Tower. It sure helps to drop a pin in the map, marking the location of the Satori Mountain and keep visiting those 2 spots until you see the glow in the mountain.
Regarding the time of the appearance, people believe the Lord of the Mountain BOTW only comes out at night, although there have been cases on which it has come earlier. This is mainly because the glow is easier to see at night rather than with daylight.
Gearing up to meet the Lord of the Mountain?
The Lord of the Mountain BOTW is particularly shy and temperamental. Nothing like you have ever seen before, so be prepared for it. To achieve your goal of capturing it you need a combination of two things: Stealthiness and warm clothes / potions.
Here we are dealing with 2 problems at the same time. You need to be cautious enough not to scare Satori away, but also gearing up to protect you against the cold weather of the mountain. You can attain this balance by wearing the Stealth Set. Additionally you will need a warming elixir or in turn eat any warming food at your disposal (either a Spicy meal or Spicy Elixir). You can also obtain the same results the other way around: You can gear up for the cold and buff yourself for stealthiness. On this case, You can wear Warm Clothes and drink up a Stealth Elixir.

There is another aspect that can be variable as you might need little or tons depending of your capturing experience: That is the stamina. The recommendation is that you prepare for the worst case scenario and have over two full round bars of stamina. To regain your lost stamina you can drink Energizing Elixir or eat Carrot Cake or Mushroom Rice Balls, although these food options may yield random results.
How to tame the Lord of the Mountain?
Now you know where is appears and how to be prepared to face the encounter. When the time comes and you see the blue light coming from the peak of the mountain. Go to Mogg Latan shrine and then head west, looking for a pathway leading to a tunnel, giving you access to the northern part of the mountain. You will see a pond and a cherry tree. Additionally the area should be surrounded by Blupees (a good sign).

Once you see the Lord of the Mountain, sneak up on him and engage on taming it. Sooth the beast and pay close attention to your stamina. You only have a few tries, so make sure to do it right. In the event you run out of stamina get back to the hill near the rocks. Sooner or later Satori will reappear again and give you another opportunity to tame it.
What is the downside to having the Lord of the Mountain as your mount?
With Satori as your trusty means of transport, you will have the ability to use infinite speeds power-ups and infinite stamina. Every time you do a burst of speed, it will get replenished immediately. All that with the benefit of having a cool looking mount added to your arsenal.
But not everything is as good as it sounds. The Lord of the Mountain BOTW mount was meant to provide only a temporary boost of speed (and fun) while traversing through the game world. Putting it in simple words: There is no way possible to keep the mount. The stable keepers won’t give you the option to register it. Also, if you dismount from it, it will shortly vanish and that will be the end of his journey. You will have the option to capture it again, but for some, this is more cumbersome than fruitful.
Facts about the Satori Lord of the Mountain
Every time you approach a stable manager with Satori, they will panic and imply you are trying to curse them with that spirit. This might be the cause they won’t be guarding the horse in the stable.
The lore of the Lord of the Mountain brings says it is the protector of the wild life in the forest. Every time it appears there is a large amount of wild life in the area. This to represent they are in some sort of pilgrimage, honoring and paying respect to the spirit. The blue aura like glow emanating from the mountain peak also makes reference to the “spiritual” context of the story.
I is believed this inclusion on the game was some kind of homage to a deceased former Nintendo president, Mr. Satoru Iwata. Presumably Satori is the reincarnation of a sage representing Mr. Iwata in his job on the company, who was directly involved in several other Zelda titles.
There is no way to keep the mount, since it was meant to be just an addition to have a little fun with and ride around for a bit. Despite this, users are not pleased with the idea this mount can’t be forever and started creating theories, like: By using the Monster Saddle Stable Masters will allow you to register your new creature. Also that Malanya (the horse god) will be able to bring the spirit back if it dissapears, and that taming the Lord of the Mount under a bloodmoon will cause to have the mount indefinitely. All these theories are not true.
In case you wonder, there is another mount that has infinite stamina, and although not as fast as the Lord of the Mountain, will let you keep in the stables. This mount is the Giant Horse, with black fur, orange mane and tail.
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