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The Samsung Galaxy Tab A6 is a tablet originally released in 2016. It comes in several sizes, ranging from a 7 inch screen to a 10.1 inch screen. It can utilize Bluetooth technology and has GPS capabilities, along with a front and rear camera. Like many of its previous tablet models, it’s been discontinued from production to make way for fresh and new technologies. Still, as with most pieces of technology, there’s going to be some great things about it along with the not so great. We’ll be diving further into the Samsung Galaxy Tab A6’s capabilities, what functions it has, how it compares to other tablets that came out at the time, and if it’s worth the price.

Shared Functionality of the Samsung Galaxy Tab A6
The one constant about this model, regardless of size, is its battery life. Those who have had the Samsung Galaxy Tab A6 praise its ability to hold a charge even after being used on long flights to watch movies or television shows. Of course, making sure that the tablet is taken care of helps keep its battery life from going down, but some reviewers claim that even years later, it can still hold a charge without being plugged in for days at a time. Some users found that as it got older, the tablet could get hot when being charged, but these comments come from users that had gotten their tablets already used. One of the Samsung Galaxy Tab A6’s models comes with an S Pen, which allows for an easier touch experience and is best utilized for work-based actions. Customers who bought this version found that they were able to work on it constantly without issue, however the smaller models provided some difficulty with resizing web pages to be readable.

This model’s screen is also one of its best selling points. Whatever size is purchased, the screen is in high definition, which allows for clear viewing and lighting that can hold up in a sunny environment. Again, reviewers found that utilizing the Samsung Galaxy Tab A6 for watching media was a great experience. There were complaints regarding how the sounds from the shows or movies would be in stereo for a vertical view, but not horizontal. If you’re willing to sacrifice surround sound for a larger picture, then watching your media horizontally will not be an issue. Another complaint was that some of the colors didn’t translate as brightly as they would have on another tablet’s screen, but the quality of the picture seems to make up for it in the eyes of consumers.
Setbacks of the Samsung Galaxy Tab A6
Although this tablet is an older model and seems to hold up well to the test of time, there are still some issues that customers found after purchasing the different models. For some, the storage space for the tablet was smaller than anticipated. Although it can store up to 8GB in its smaller models, many consumers found that the tablet’s built-in systems were taking up most of the storage space, leaving less room for other apps. The best solution to this issue is to utilize a microSD card which will allow you to get more storage, even if you’re spending a bit more for the added space.
Because of the limited amount of space, the Samsung Galaxy Tab A6 tends to lag if it’s being utilized for larger files or apps. Even with the microSD card, many people found that it’s not ideal for gaming or large apps that require multiple updates throughout the year. The lag also extends to the cameras, as the amount of storage space seems to cause issues when taking pictures with either the front or the back camera. The cameras tend to not take sharp looking photos and with the lag the blurriness rivals older cell phones.

The larger model of the Samsung Galaxy Tab A6 averages out at about $150 at most retailers with prices getting lower if you utilize websites that sell the products used. It’s always best to purchase from a retailer you trust, especially for used models, but sometimes you can find a good deal on Amazon or Ebay. As far as tablets go, regardless of the size, it’s still an affordable choice if you’re looking for something that you’ll be utilizing casually. Be aware that the price may be compounded by however much a microSD card is, if you need to utilize all of the space that the Samsung Galaxy Tab A6 has to offer.
Can It Exceed the Wear and Tear of Time?
Those who purchased the Samsung Galaxy Tab A6 reported that the tablet was still receiving Samsung updates even after the four years since its release, which can allow it to be utilized now and further into the future. The devices are sturdy and seem to stand up to the test of time, so long as they’re taken care of with the bare minimum upkeep. Those who don’t may find that their lag extends outside of apps and the camera and can affect the lock screen of the tablet as well.
As with any tablet, the Samsung Galaxy Tab A6’s screen should be protected and its models, having standard sizes, allow for it to be compatible with accompanying gear to customize and protect it. It’s not a tablet that you want thrown around or dropped, as it can still crack the screen and mess up the battery. The smaller models have a plastic back, which can assist with hard impacts, but it’s still not recommended to play rough with the Samsung Galaxy Tab A6.
In the end, the Samsung Galaxy Tab A6 seems to be best utilized for media consumption without gaming or large apps. Its battery life allows it to go days without having to be plugged in and is good for the slightly forgetful consumer who doesn’t bring their charger everywhere. It’s not good for taking pictures, but good for being utilized as a mobile office. It also benefits from having multiple models of different sizes for versatility and the fact that it still supports current updates can allow it to be used for years to come.
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